Dec 2, 2014

My review of OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite

Before the upgrade to Yosemite I was running Lion. Here's how the upgrade from Lion to Yosemite affected me. I have a Macbook Pro.

The good:

  • VirtualBox seems to run much faster and my computer takes a somewhat longer to heat up. (I was forced to update the Virtualbox after installing Yosemite so it is possible that this improvement came from the Virtualbox upgrade rather than Yosemite.)
  • The above is the only good point!

The bad:

  • Finder's search bar in Yosemite searches by whole words. You can't find jpeg files by typing "jpe". Or find files named "Alabama home insurance" by typing "bama". You can't find files named "Businessinsider" by typing "insider". In Lion, you can!
  • Like the Spotlight feature, Finder's search function goes to work as-you-type. It's really fast. In Yosemite, I get the beach ball every time. Sad upgrade.
  • I use Screenflow to record videos on-screen and make screencasts. With Lion, I was able to have many untitled files open (ie unsaved files) at the same time. These files would persist even after I quit Screenflow and they would still be around the next time I fire up the app. In Yosemite, I have to save all those draft untitled files before quitting the app. If I'm in a hurry, Yosemite you are a serious performance drag. You are slowing me down to a crawl.

I plan to backup everything, replace this drive, and recover OS X Lion using Internet recovery. I will share how that goes in a future post.

But it is still a sad development to learn that Finder will never be as versatile as it was before. The search was running so much faster, no beach balls, and I can use partial keywords if I had forgotten or vaguely recall filenames!

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